Journal Publications
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Afrin Ajmuddin Shikalgar | A Review on “IPFS Based Decentralized Social Media Platform” | International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing | 2023 | International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing | ISSN 2320–088X |
2 | Afrin Ajmuddin Shikalgar | Disease Prediction System | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management | 2023 | 2582-3930 |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Conference Publications
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
Data not updated yet. |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
Data not updated yet. |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
Data not updated yet. |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
Data not updated yet. |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
Data not updated yet. |
Computer Engineering (Polytechnic) Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
Data not updated yet. |